Men's Clinic

Medita Men’s Clinic is the earliest field of activity of the Medita Clinic. First appointments were provided in 2011. The men’s clinic offers ambulatory diagnostics and treatment for men’s health problems and also provides day treatment procedures and day surgery.

Medita Men’s Clinic appointments are provided in Tartu and in Tallinn.

Medita Clinic in Tartu and Tallinn holds a valid contract with the Tervisekassa for covering the treatment in the speciality of ambulatory urology and andrology and the day treatment and day surgery services in urology and andrology.

Dr Tanel Muul, Dr Mihhail Žarkovski and Dr Jaanus Kahu are the Urologists and Dr Kristo Ausmees is the Urologist-Andrologist in the Medita Clinic in Tartu.

Dr Rauno Okas and Dr Andres Kotsar are the Urologists and Dr Kristo Ausmees  is the Urologist-Andrologist in the Medita Clinic in Tallinn.

In Tartu, independent consultations of a urological nurse are provided by Taavo Mägiveer. All men with urinary problems and minor pelvis disorders, sexual disorders and fertility problems are expected to see him, also patients who have been referred to urological examination by their family physician.

After the initial appointment with a nurse, the patient is referred to further examinations or to the urologist, if necessary. For the health service covered by the Tervisekassa, a referral from the general physician must include a note that "the patient is referred to the urological nurse’s consultation".